Gamma Zeta President and Officers, Chairs, and Appointees


Bonnie Ferneau, 2020 Golden Key Winner  

Member since May 1, 1971

 First, I would like to thank Gamma Zeta chapter and Julia Thorn for my nomination for the Golden Key.  It is just an unbelievable honor to receive such a distinguished recog-nition for my work in education and the Delta Kappa Gamma International Society. The special connection among sisters of Gamma Zeta these past thirty-four years has truly made a difference in my life.  A THANK YOU to each of you!

   It is certainly an honor to take the leadership of Gamma Zeta and to work with each one of you as we continue in the path of excellence set by Julia Thorn, a true dynamo!  Her love and devotion to our chapter and Delta Kappa Gamma have put us at the top.  We are well recognized in our community and NCDKG.

     As of July 1, your new officers have taken over as we start to plan for this year ahead.  We are all facing so many uncertainties, but I hope this newsletter finds you and your families all doing well, staying healthy, and keeping safe.  With the start of school so up in the air and so many of our members making adjustments at school and home, we hope that by December we will finally be able to see one another once again.

    Our theme continues as Ready, Set and GROW.  We will all need to work together in all areas of GROW listed below.  Look through the list and let me know how you can assist in any of the four areas.  Please let me know of any of your ideas and concerns.  I am only a phone call or an e-mail away!  Loyally,  Bonnie Ferneau 252-247-7435 or bonnievista or

DKG Mission Statement - The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. 

Bonnie Ferneau, President 

Julia Thorn, Past President   

Cathy Tomon, 1st Vice President 

Jeffrie Holloway, 2nd Vice President and Chaplain

 Gay Lea, Co-Secretary

Jeannie Potter, Co-Secretary

June Vann, Correspondence 

Jasa Ellis, Treasurer 

Deanne Rosen, Parliamentarian 

June Merrell, Editor 

Sherrill Moraven, World Fellowship 

Debra Stinson, Scholarships

June Fulcher, US Forum 

Barbara Hill, Fine Arts

Susan Merrrell, Historian                                                                                          

Claudia Beamon, Membership Liiaison